Success in Dismissing a Claim for Business Interruption Coverage

DES MOINES, Iowa (November 30, 2020) – On May 12, 2020, plaintiffs sued Illinois Casualty Company in federal court following a denial of coverage for alleged business income losses following Governor Reynolds’s proclamation for shutdowns as a result of COVID-19. Adam Zenor answered the suit on behalf of Illinois Casualty Company and immediately moved for dismissal pursuant to Rule 12(c) and for entry of declaratory judgment. Plaintiffs resisted. The federal district court granted the motion, dismissing all claims against Illinois Casualty Company and granting it declaratory judgment. Plaintiffs have appealed.

Whiskey River et al. v. Illinois Casualty Company, SDIA Case No.: 4:20-cv-00185-JAJ-HCA

About Zenor Law

The Zenor Law Firm is a boutique law firm specializing in complex litigation. The Firm has extensive experience in business litigation, employment law, health law, regulatory and white collar matters, serious personal injury and wrongful death, and appeals.


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